Just an update on Christmas orders for you all!
Turkeys and Rib of Beef must be ordered by Saturday 5th December to guarantee the size you want.
They are in very high demand so we are having to move the deadline for orders of these two products slightly earlier than we had anticipated. What can we say – it’s been a rather busy year!
If you’re after any other cuts of beef, chicken, pork, duck, sausages, bacon, pigs in blankets, stuffing, gammon or hams, cheese, olives or veg, we can accept orders up to December 12th, giving you an extra week to plan.
Turkey prices for 2020 are as follows:
Bronze Free Range
Farmyard Reared
Boneless Turkey Breast £14.95/kg
Free Range Geese £15.60/kg
If you’re having to spread your festive celebrations over 2 days this year due to Covid-19, we are happy to cut your turkeys in half to make them easier to cook.
Order forms can be picked up in the shop or alternatively drop us a message through our online enquiry form.